We are a blend of competent professionals with a shared passion for helping businesses grow through iterative development and digital transformation.
Our background is rooted in eCommerce, where businesses are natively digital. We support multiple online retailers with involvement in the full end-to-end aspects of their businesses, from goods-in processes and automated accounting through to best in class customer experiences and digital marketing.
Most well-established businesses are not natively digital, nor are they as nimble as start-ups. Although many will recognise the need to adapt, the way is often unclear and as such, progress is tentative.
Through our consultancy and board advisory services we have been able to help them overcome this by quantifying solutions to pain points, identifying overlooked opportunities and decoding data into information that then yields actionable insights.
Our implementation partners and in-house software team has enabled us to not just identify those needs and problems, but to go on and deliver and maintain the solutions. Making us accountable and therefore aligning our goals with that of our clients'.
Ultimately, our aim is to use our collective experience to provide confidence to new clients to be bolder with digital, and to steer them to focus on the areas of maximum return for their business.